Monday, March 10, 2008

How to get your Blog Indexed with Google

This is all about to promote the Blog and this is only possible if your blog is indexed with some search engine. Here, as most of us are concerned with Google search so we will talk about this particularly but other too generally.

Google crawls the web regularly and indexes new sites as it finds them. But it can take weeks for Google to index a new blog and possibly it would not index all of your pages at once which can make it difficult for you blog to be visible in search results.

This is must to get your blog indexed with Google and then off course you will desire to have all of the pages indexed by the same. There are certainly some practicle steps helping you to get the task easier.... the ever!

Check about the current status of your blog with Google Search. If you find luckily, thats great step indeed but if not [most of us would claim this ;)] ..... no problem beginner bloggers... just come on friends.

First of all being a creat an account under the Google Webmaster Tools surely if you are using the Blogger then your gmail account user is enough.

In the add url section enter the address of your blog like mine i.e.

Yes, there is no need to mention www as prefix while you are using blogspot domain.

After this step you will have to verify the current status of your added blog with google search. This will autheticate your ownership regarding the blog added. This also heps to access statistics and the crawl errors.

If you have verification status "NOT VERIFIED" then .... There is nothing wrong. As mentioned above first time this often happens and even then Google offers two methods in order to assist in this regard!

Add a meta tage to your blog template body right after the "head" tag or upload a html file. Google provides the meta tages for the blogger and you can easily generate the same even without somebody vetran.

This is the time to learn basics about the site map of your blog. Well this is an xml file that would need to be uploaded. For Blogger, Google does not provide the site map and for the best solution there are many tips available to do so.

These are basics for bloggers who are planning to get their blogs indexed.

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