Thursday, April 3, 2008

My Blog Making no Money

I have a mail in my box asking the question of making money through the blog. This guy, named Ali is willing to make money through the blogger and he has recently joined adsense to define his objective.

The very reason of talking about the above is obviously to have a look about the basics of making money for beginner bloggers. I do appreciate his efforts. His blog depicts all about his good niche, his contents are good enough and off course his way of making his blog appealing one.

But what are the basics lacking his blog????

As we know that colorful look is not the objective as this is meant for the end users ONLY but we are firstly following the bot and inviting it to come to have a lunch at our site. Once the bot is there our one-third task is completed.

The next step is the repetition of the visit .... how frequently bot comes to your site? How can make the visit of a bot as a money making for a particular blog? The way of making all success through generating the traffic for your blog?

As discussed earlier search engine optimization is the basic tool being a blog master to make money through blog. The great way to generate traffic comes in consideration. Well Ali I would really commend your money making efforts through your blog and if you are willing to have updates you can subscribe.

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